
On this page we have prepared various logos and icons that can be used to link from your own website to the FDWF website.

Project outline

Here you can download the project outline template for application to the AiF (IGF, Cornet).
Please fill out the Word document according to the given specifications and then submit the project outline as a PDF file to the FDWF via the upload function.

Download Project Outline Template

Create PDF from Word document:
Choose "File" and "Save As ..." from the menu, then you can select "PDF" under "File Format".


Here you can download the FDWF logo for further use in various formats.

Integration into the company website is recommended in conjunction with a link to the FDWF page (


The presence in social networks is becoming increasingly important. That's why many of you have already placed several icons on your company's website that refer to the profiles on the individual social media platforms.

For this reason, we provide you here with several icons that fit seamlessly into the series.


Wallpaper for your online meetings, video conferences etc.